[Dailydave] INFILTRATE 2017 Video: Stephanie Archibald - Sierra Had a Little Lamb
dave aitel
2017-06-16 14:27:13 UTC

In the Last Dancer, which is one of the great books on hacking you can
download here
<https://www.immunityinc.com/downloads/TheLastDancer.pdf>there's a page,
which I'm going to copy in its entirely below. But it's about implants.
And I have no fucking idea how Daniel Keys Moran, who is a professional
database engineer, not a hacker, knew the things he knew about hacking
when he wrote this in like, the early 90's, but he did. Early hacking
books are interesting, because while some of DKMs terminology survived
and came to the present (replicant code, etc.) much of it is different.
Image is what a modern hacker would call an Implant, essentially.
"Dancing" for hacking, etc.

Which, of course, is also true about hacker nicknames. There are whole
crews out there that don't use nicks for ANYTHING. Because once you're
famous, you have no margin for error.

Anyways, my point is this - implant writers have lineages like martial
artists. There are so many important choices to make and you're going to
forget why you made them. Not just you, your entire community and team.

So when I rewatched Stephanie's talk, I'm looking at it in two
dimensions - what are the technical issues she's solving, so I don't
have to solve them myself, but also what choices is she making that she
doesn't even know she's making because those trade offs are as much a
part of her inherited culture as her clothes and speech and the food she
eats? We all attend INFILTRATE in a different way, but I try to spend
time making sure analysis is done after a talk. If all you do is watch
the talks the one time, without tying them together, or looking at a
theme, or putting them in context, then wtf are you doing running a

