dave aitel
2017-03-23 16:12:16 UTC
https://blog.trailofbits.com/2017/03/23/april-means-infiltrate/ *blushes*

Conferences are about a community coming together. There was a point, a
while back, when we all realized that BlackHat no longer really
represented our community - maybe the fiftieth time we saw someone
apologize on stage for doing great offensive work. But that doesn't mean
the community excludes defenders. Microsoft and Amazon are sponsors of
INFILTRATE this year, as are Azimuth, Grimm, Zerodium and Trail of Bits!
Obviously there is strong representation for manufacturing and financial
sectors in the attendee list - this is by far the largest INFILTRATE
ever. (One major difference between INFILTRATE and other conferences is
we do not sell our attendee list at ANY level of sponsorship.)

I still love the giant mega conferences, with their circus spectacle
powered by the sales and marketing teams of every company in the sector.
But I learned more about the strategic direction of information security
at Halvar's wedding than the last time I hit up RSA or BlackHat. That
may just say good things about Halvar's wedding, but regardless, we work
HARD to try to make every angle of INFILTRATE as worthwhile as possible,
and if you come early enough on Weds you get to choke me out for free :) !

