[Dailydave] The Tower and the Town
Jordan Wiens
2017-12-06 03:45:17 UTC
There's long been a bit of friction (some real, some manufactured) between
academic security research in the Ivory Tower and much of the rest of our
community practicing in the field.

Many many people have spent long hours paving the road from the tower to
the town and vice-versa. Bratus in particular seems to have dedicated his
career to the cause (thanks, Sergey!).

Some security cons have adopted a bit of needed rigor from the academic
world (Infiltrate's dry-runs, BH's white papers) and some academic
conferences and journals have made an effort to reach out beyond the high
walls and include lowly researchers without letters after their name (or
names at all). People who just have a problem to solve, and didn't realize
they were supposed to write a paper explaining their approach for

Given that, here's your chance to help continue the bridge building:


Full Disclosure: I got invited to be on the PC, so submit interesting

Note that while the deadline is currently listed as the 8th, it's been
extended a week to the 15th and the website should be updated shortly. But
who are we kidding, you weren't going to work on your submission until the
day before anyway, were you?
