[Dailydave] 44CON 2018 CFP Open - 12-15th September, London (UK)
2018-02-28 14:16:41 UTC
44CON 2018 is the UK's best annual Security Conference and Training event. The conference spans 2.5 days with training on the 10th and 11th of September, a free evening event on the 12th of September, and a full two-day conference on the 13th and 14th of September. The event takes place at the ILEC Conference Centre near Earls Court, London. 44CON 2018 includes catering, private bus bar and Gin O'Clock breaks. Early Bird discounted tickets are available now with and without included accommodation.

]-- 44CON 2018 Call For Papers

Site: https://44con.com/
CFP Registration: https://cfp.44con.com/
Early Bird Tickets (capped at 50): https://shop.44con.com/

44CON consists of 2 dedicated speaking tracks, a dedicated workshop track and combined speaking/workshop track over the two days. Talks range from softer subjects in areas such as governance, law and policy through to reverse engineering, exploitation, tooling and abuse of weird machines.

This is the Call for Papers, Talks and Workshops for 44CON 2018. Talks are 45 minutes long. Workshops are either 60 or 120 minutes in length.

]-- Submissions

Submissions should be sent via the CFP website (https://cfp.44con.com/). Submissions are reviewed by a panel consisting of over-hyped slackers rapidly approaching middle age, with thinning hair, widening paunches and debatable liver function.

In particular, we are looking for original talks of the highest quality in the following areas:

- Offensive and Defensive Technologies and Techniques
- Bugs and Reverse Engineering (finding, fixing and tooling)
- Malware campaigns, takedowns and tales of other fiendishness and villainy
- The computing equivalent of “Hold my beer”
- Incident Handling, Forensics and Anti-Forensics
- Virtualisation, Container, and Cloud Computing Security
- Owning the Enterprise, Infrastructure, Security Products, SAP, Oracle, Databases, and Client-side security and internals
- Cryptography use and abuse
- Black Hat Cryptocurrency foo, double spending, smart contract exploitation and scam hunts
- Embedded/Hardware Hacking attack and defence tools, techniques and practices
- Application and Mobile Security
- Networking, Comms, Critical National Infrastructure (CNI)
- Information Assurance, Cyberspace, Policing, Cybercrime
- Privacy, Decentralised communications, Opening walled gardens
- Relevant technical and legal aspects of GDPR, Brexit or please god no whatever Maybot's come up with next, just make it stop.

Note: this is not an exhaustive list. If you have a good talk proposal, please get in touch through the CFP system.

]-- Submission Guidance

- Priority is generally given to new presentations over those presented elsewhere.
- We have a certain volume of slots reserved for UK speakers each year
- Put as much detail in your submission as possible. The more you provide, the better the panel can make a decision in your favour
- If you have a presentation that you have given or will give elsewhere prior to 44CON in September and wish to submit, please let us know in your submission, and inform us of any changes you intend to make for 44CON.
- If you have spoken before at 44CON, say so! Not everyone on the panel this year has been on previous panels.
- If you have spoken at other conferences, please link to a video of a talk you've given, so the panel can see how you present.
- If your talk is predominantly political, legal or regulatory, please make sure it’s relevant to the UK.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask through the CFP system and we'll get back to you. A post will be published soon on the 44CON blog highlighting how you can game the 44CON CFP system to increase your chances of talk selection.

A useful guide to exploiting the 44CON CFP process can be found here: https://44con.com/2017/02/07/how-to-game-the-44con-cfp/

Note: this is not an exhaustive list. If you have a good talk proposal covering something not mentioned above, please let us know.

]-- Speaker Privileges

Speakers at 44CON will be entitled to the following:

- Paid travel (for speakers outside of Fulham or Kensington, London)
- 2 nights accommodation (see below)
- Breakfast & Lunch during conference
- Pre & Post Conference Party Invite
- Exclusive 44CON speaker T Shirt
- Love and TLC from our awesome speaker ops team
- Press Access (for those that want it)
- Fun and Frolics (and Alcohol if you want it)

We welcome speakers of all genders, origins, attributes and physical abilities and don't tolerate harassment or bullying. If you have any particular disabilities or requirements please let us know so we can accommodate. Talks are to be delivered in English only. Partners are welcome to come along, we’re happy to help arrange for tourist things for you and your partners to do while in London - Please let us know should you want to do this.

For accepted talks we cover your travel costs from wherever in the world you are at the time (if more than an hour from London), provide access to the event for both days and 2 nights of accommodation.

Speakers based in or under one hour from London have a different reimbursement policy, but our goal is to make your experience as cost neutral as possible.

Should you have an accepted talk and workshop we will grant you an additional night of accommodation (up to 3 nights).

For accepted workshops with no accompanying talk we will provide two night's accommodation and access to the event for both days, but no travel reimbursement.

]-- Submissions process

Submit your CFP response at the CFP Site (https://cfp.44con.com/). Submissions must be in English only. Exceptions will be made on a case by case basis for people who submit talks in "American", subject to the whims and belly rubs of the 44Corgi, Lady Gwendoline.

]-- Important dates

- CFP Opens Monday 26th February
- Final CFP Deadline: Monday 30th April, 23:59pm UTC
- First accept notifications:
- Speaker notifications start: 4th June
- Speaker announcements start: 6th June at BSides London
- Speaker flight details to be submitted by 30th June
- Papers/Tools/Presentation Submission Deadline: Friday 7th September
- 44CON Training: 10th-12th September
- 44CON Conference: 12th-14th September

]-- Other Information

To find out more about 44CON visit https://44con.com/, follow us on twitter @44con, or use the #44con hashtag and take part in the discussion on Twitter.

Videos from previous 44CON events can be watched at https://vimeo.com/44con/videos

By agreeing to speak at 44CON you are granting Sense/Net Ltd (owners of 44CON) the rights to reproduce and distribute your presentation and recording (unless otherwise agreed in writing in advance of the event) including but not limited to http://44con.com/, advertisements in various mediums and through partner sites and mediums. If you are not comfortable with this arrangement then this must be agreed with us in writing prior to the event.

We aim to provide professionally produced recordings of 44CON presentations for attendees to view via Vimeo's on-demand platform. Please advise us in advance if your presentation cannot be recorded for any reason.